Tuesday, December 23, 2008

#65 Media Frenzy

Andrew Middleton reports on the Media Frenzy, a student digital creativity challenge event he organised at Sheffield Hallam University. Mathew Love, a lecturer in Art, Design, Communications and Media, discusses why this sort of event is useful to students, including his first years.

Contact: email lta-podcast "AT" shu.ac.uk

Monday, November 24, 2008

#64 e-Role Play

Claire Craig, Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy in Sheffield Hallam's faculty of Health and Wellbeing, talks about e-Role play, one of her innovative approaches to teaching.

Contact: email lta-podcast "AT" shu.ac.uk

Thursday, July 03, 2008

#63 Educational podcasting - generating ideas for a book

This podcast episode presents a series of activities that invite you to participate in the writing of a book about innovative models for educational podcasting. The activities, which are introduced and accompanied by a downloadable work book, guide you through some simple techniques that will help you to generate about four ideas during a one hour session working with one other person. When you have finished please email your ideas to me at a.j.middleton (at) shu.ac.uk, and I will acknowledge this and invite you to become involved in the peer review system. The activity starts at 4 mins 30 seconds. Download the work book at: http://teaching.shu.ac.uk/podcast/pdf/edpod-workbook.pdf

Contact: email lta-podcast "AT" shu.ac.uk

Monday, June 23, 2008

#62 Audio Feedback: timely media interventions

Recording of the session entitled Audio Feedback: timely media interventions from the Blended Learning Conference 2008, University of Hertfordshire, 19 June 2008Abstract: Audio feedback involves the use of distributed digital audio to provide formative messages to students helping them to develop knowledge and the way they learn. This paper presents several case studies by drawing upon interviews with academic staff and student focus groups. Ongoing research with these stakeholders identifies why audio feedback models, of which there are many, can be attractive and why they need to be carefully designed and integrated into the curriculum. The paper presents some early findings about the effective design of audio feedback and considers whether the interest in audio feedback may signal greater interest in designing constructivist media interventions.

Contact: email lta-podcast "AT" shu.ac.uk

Thursday, March 20, 2008

#61 Connected

In this episode Andrew Middleton creates a commentary on the use of technologies whilst attending a two day conference - remotely. He attempts to answer the question: how does virtual attendance compare to attending a conference in person? As well as using the Adobe Acrobat Connections webinar system and communicating through the back channel, the podcast discusses many other communication channels including Twitter and several blogs and Ning spaces in order to engage with other participants and their interests and expertise.

Contact: email lta-podcast "AT" shu.ac.uk

Monday, March 10, 2008

#60 Digital storytelling for HE

Digital Storytelling is yet to make a large impact on Higher Education in the UK. This is about to change. A small, but growing network of academic innovators is emerging recognising the potential of DST as a way of sharing experience, of developing one's understanding through the process of making stories and thirdly by using digital technologies as tools to facilitate communication and collaboration. In this interview Julie Coleman, a Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy at Sheffield Hallam, describes her own interest in the media and he thoughts about its wider application. Julie references the Patient's Voices website where you can find some examples of stories: http://www.patientvoices.org.uk/

Contact: email lta-podcast "AT" shu.ac.uk

Thursday, January 24, 2008

#59 Picture This!

cc Elmada, 2007

An exhibition of photographs to enhance learning.
Students and staff are invited to submit photographs to an exhibition of photographs and stories to be held in Sheffield Hallam University in May 2008. There is also a photo competition to encourage students to submit work.
A Picture is worth a thousand words - Prove it!
Digital cameras in one form or another are within reach of most of us everyday, wherever we are. Tools to edit and distribute the photographs we produce are also widely accessible. Your challenge is to demonstrate how can we take advantage of this in education.
Picture This! will be an exhibition featuring photographs taken by students and staff
in the course of learning and teaching.
To encourage students to contribute a photograph, and the story of why it was taken, the University is running this competition with three £150 prizes.

Your photo assignment...
Send us one photograph with between 150 and 300 words that explain why you took the photograph and how it related to your work.
5 further prizes of £10.00 each are available to students who email us the best ideas for how their course could make use of photographs. So whether your strength is in writing, photography or coming up with ideas there's a prize for you!
There are 3 categories:
*Ideas - creative ideas for the use of photographs to support learning
*Photograph - most engaging photograph
*Story - best learning story
Submission deadline: 28 March 2008
The Exhibition
An exhibition of submitted work will be hosted in the University during May 2008.

The judging panel
A panel of three judges will select the winners. They will include the Academic Affairs Officer of the Hallam Student's Union and the Head of Academic Innovation in the Learning and Teaching Institute at Sheffield Hallam University.
This initiative is being run by Academic Innovation in the Learning and Teaching Institute at Sheffield Hallam University.
For further information contact Andrew Middleton, a.j.middleton AT shu.ac.uk
Submission rules
You can submit up to 3 entries with 3 different stories. Joint entries are permitted. You can nominate your preferred category or leave it open.

Submit digital photograph(s) in JPG format as an email attachment or through a link to a photo-sharing service like Flickr.com.
Include your name, year and course details.

All submissions may be used to inform research and promote best practice. By submitting your entry you give the University permission to reproduce it in publications and at academic events with acknowledgement, but no fee. You may only submit work that belongs to you.

Contact: email lta-podcast "AT" shu.ac.uk

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

#58 Photographic interventions

Luke Bennett, a Senior Lecturer in the Built Environment subject group, shares his experience of using cameras to liven up law teaching. He has taken two approaches: the creative integration of photographs in his own teaching materials, and secondly by setting photography-based student assignments to create an engaging platform for some of the drier classess. Luke mentions that he used Flickr as a website so that his students could contribute their images - you can access flickr at www.flickr.com. Andrew Middleton also introduces the Ubiquitous Images Exhibition that will take place at Sheffield Hallam this year in which academic and student photographs will be displayed. You can contact Andrew if you have something to submit at: a.j.middleton AT shu.ac.uk.

Contact: email lta-podcast "AT" shu.ac.uk