Thursday, August 24, 2006

#9 The Flat classroom

Andrew Middleton reflects on David Warlicks idea of the 'flat classroom' and its relevance to higher education.

Contact: email lta-podcast "AT"

Saturday, August 19, 2006

#8 Podcast changes

Andrew Middleton discusses making changes to this podcast: a change of title, duration, frequency of publication and production methods. These things are considered in the context of the Podcasting for LTA project which sets out to evaluate the impact of academic podcasting.
For discussions on methods being considered for podcasting see the notes at:

Contact: email lta-podcast "AT"

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

#7 Audio Feedback, Media enhanced learning, Case-based learning

In 'In Brief' this week Andrew Middleton discusses new opportunities for enhancing LTA through the use of media by exploiting Web 2.0 technologies.
In the main feature Peter Walder tells us about Audio Feedback provided by the tutor and by peers.
The LTA Gem highlights Case-based Learning.
Media tools and sites
The show discusses new opportunities for enhancing learning, teaching and assessment with media. Andrew Middleton refers to Web 2.0 and various websites that may be useful to those interested in this area.
Also see,
For audio services see,
For Web 2.0 and the Read/Write Web see,
The Audacity audio editing software (and the Lame plugin needed for making MP3 files) can be found at:
Data and media storage sites:
Case-based Learning
Case-based learning is a problem-based approach to learning which draws on real-life case-studies and simulations.
The FDTL project can be found at:

Contact: email lta-podcast "AT"